This is a past event.

Pivot Your Restaurant ~ From Restaurant to Community Kitchen RA-R

 1:45 PM - 3:00 PM (PDT)
 4/19/2020 12:00 PM (PDT)

Louise Dawson (707) 567-6739

 Capacitación en línea (en vivo)
Flujo de Fondos, COVID-19 General Support, Disaster Planning/Recovery, Layoff Aversion, Administración de Empresas

Is your restaurant or food business either closed or partially open in response to Coronavirus?  If you are looking for ideas and resources to Pivot Your Restaurant or, if you just want to see what others are doing to navigate these turbulent industry waters, then turn off your Netflix and join us for three webinars and come and meet the Changemakers!

  1.  From Restaurant to Community Kitchen:  One Bay Area Restaurateur’s solution to keeping all of her staff employed, while providing free meals to the community, all through donations from her customers

Come and meet Adriana Lopez Vermut as she walks us through her steps of finding a philanthropic solution to keeping all of her employees engaged and working full time.  From raising over $125,000 from customer donations through venmo, to partnerships with non-profits to provide over 17,000 meals to healthcare workers, low-income families and seniors who can’t leave their homes, through May 15th, 2020.

This webinar will be on April 20th from 1:45 – 3:00pm

Las Políticas de Registro:

Inscripción y Matrícula: El pago de las tarifas del seminario puede hacerse por cheque, giro postal o tarjeta de crédito. El pago debe ser recibido para garantizar su espacio en un evento.

Política de reembolso: Si desea solicitar un reembolso, por favor, póngase en contacto con el organizador de la conferencia enumerados anteriormente para discutir. También puede optar por enviar un sustituto en su lugar. Si el evento se cancela, se devolverán todos los cargos.

Alojamiento especiales: si tiene una discapacidad, avísenos con anticipación.